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AIG in Switzerland - Your local provider

With more than 100 years of experience, we have had a worldwide reputation for protecting against unusual and complex risks. In this sense, we help our customers to look to the future with confidence, even if the future is always uncertain. We have been active in Switzerland since the opening of the Swiss branch of our predecessor companies in 1957; since that time, policyholders have been assisted by local teams of experienced experts. As a reliable partner, we support our customers from A to Z - and we firmly believe that every challenge also harbours new opportunities.

When we do something, we do it right: With our underwriting know-how for the entire insurance market, our extensive claims expertise and large global presence, we assist our customers with insuring their respective risks.

Excellent services, and the financial strength of an insurance company that counts among the largest in the world, ensure a solid all-in-one package for your needs.

AIG – for a safe future.

AIG Europe S.A., Luxembourg, Opfikon branch is the Swiss branch office of AIG Europe S.A.


Registered under:
R.C.S. Luxembourg, Number B 218806


Head office:
35D, Avenue John F. Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg


Supervisory authority
AIG Europe S.A. is authorized by the Luxembourg Ministère des Finances and supervised by the Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA), 11, rue Robert Stumper, L-2557 Luxembourg, GD de Luxembourg, T +352 226911-1,

AIG Europe S.A., Luxembourg, Opfikon branch office, is subject to the prudential supervision of the Federal Financial Markets Authority FINMA, Laupenstrasse 27, CH-3003 Bern, T +41 327 91 00, F +41 327 91 01,

The branch registration number is CHE-107.381.353

At AIG, we believe that diversity and inclusion are critical to our future and our mission – creating a foundation for a creative workplace that leads to innovation, growth, and profitability.

Through a wide variety of programs and initiatives, we invest in each employee, seeking to ensure that our people are not only respected as individuals, but also truly valued for their unique perspectives.

To learn more about diversity, inclusion and pay equity at AIG, click here.

  • Construction
  • Energy
  • Real Estate
  • Hospitality & Leisure
  • Transportation
  • Healthcare
  • Public Entities
  • Education

Our Values in Action

What's inside AIG Sales

All of our daily activities pursue one main goal:

The long-term successful collaboration with our customers and partners, which is based on trust, professionalism, reliability and transparency. Using our technical expertise and extensive international experience, we work with you to find new approaches and solutions.

We are not just the first point of contact for cross-sectoral projects and products; we also function as a communication channel to our multinational department when it comes to strategic collaboration issues, and as an agent between our customers and our underwriting resources.

Every day, our sales teams examine different aspects so that solutions that consider cross-sectoral interests can be developed jointly. In this way, we engage in partnership-based collaboration that contributes to profitable growth and continued business development on both sides.

For us, service is our top priority. We listen, read between the lines and take care of our customers' needs. In addition, our service portfolio also includes the coordination of technical and training events, support with claims and sales issues, and also provides information about our underwriting policy. Our sales team is also the right point of contact for issues related to responsibilities, the product portfolio or service quality. We would also be pleased to meet with you personally to discuss potential strategic collaborations.

Producer Compensation

Broker and Agent Compensation
AIG Europe S.A., Luxembourg, Opfikon Branch (“AIG”) values the role of insurance producers in advising and consulting with insurance buyers, and generally compensates them in recognition of their participation in the purchasing process. Please contact your insurance broker or agent to obtain information about the specific compensation they may receive in connection with the issuance of your policy.


AIG compensates insurance brokers and agents through commissions of either a specific amount or a percentage of premium set at the time of each purchase, renewal, placement or servicing of a particular insurance policy. From time to time, AIG may enter into agreements with producers to provide additional commission not contingent in nature. All such payments are subject to controls administered by AIG Legal, Compliance and business management.


Contingent Compensation
AIG may also pay contingent compensation to insurance brokers and agents in addition to commissions. Contingent compensation is typically based on criteria such as the volume of new sales, overall production volume, mix of business, or overall profitability of the policies placed by an insurance broker or agent. All such payments are subject to controls administered by AIG Legal, Compliance and business management.


Other Compensation
AIG may also enter into agreements in order to access information or cause strategic interaction to facilitate business, in exchange for a fee. Outside of specific insurance transactions, AIG may also obtain services for which it pays a fee.

AIG may also provide compensation for the advertising, marketing or purchase of insurance products or services through third-party channels.



Vergütung von Maklern und Agenten
AIG Europe S.A., Luxemburg, Niederlassung Opfikon („AIG“) schätzt die Leistungen von Versicherungsmaklern und -agenten bei der Beratung und Betreuung von Versicherungskäufern und vergütet sie in der Regel für ihre Mitwirkung am Verkaufsprozess. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Versicherungsmakler oder -agenten, um Informationen über die spezifischen Vergütungen zu erhalten, die er im Zusammenhang mit der Ausstellung Ihrer Police erhalten kann.


AIG vergütet Versicherungsmakler und -agenten durch Provisionen in Höhe eines bestimmten Betrags oder eines Prozentsatzes der Prämie, der zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufs, der Erneuerung, der Platzierung oder der Betreuung einer bestimmten Versicherungspolice festgelegt wird. Gelegentlich kann AIG mit Produzenten Vereinbarungen über zusätzliche, nicht an Bedingungen geknüpfte Provisionen treffen. Alle diese Zahlungen unterliegen der Kontrolle durch die Rechtsabteilung, die Compliance-Abteilung und die Geschäftsleitung von AIG.


Bedingte Vergütungen
AIG kann zusätzlich zu den Provisionen auch bedingte Vergütungen an Versicherungsmakler und -agenten zahlen. Bedingte Vergütungen beruhen in der Regel auf Kriterien wie dem Neugeschäftsvolumen, dem Gesamtproduktionsvolumen, der Zusammensetzung des Geschäfts oder der Gesamtrentabilität der von einem Versicherungsmakler oder -agenten vermittelten Policen. Alle diese Zahlungen unterliegen der Kontrolle durch die Rechtsabteilung, die Compliance-Abteilung und die Geschäftsleitung von AIG.


Sonstige Vergütungen
AIG kann gegen eine Gebühr auch Vereinbarungen treffen, um Zugang zu Informationen zu erhalten oder strategische Interaktionen zu veranlassen, um Geschäfte zu erleichtern. Außerhalb bestimmter Versicherungstransaktionen kann AIG auch Dienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen, für die sie eine Gebühr zahlt.

AIG kann zudem eine Vergütung für die Werbung, das Marketing oder den Kauf von Versicherungsprodukten oder -dienstleistungen über Drittkanäle leisten.


Rémunération des producteurs

Rémunération des courtiers et agents
AIG Europe S.A., Luxembourg, Branche Opfikon (« AIG ») apprécie le rôle des producteurs d'assurance dans le conseil et la consultation des acheteurs d'assurance, et les rémunère généralement en reconnaissance de leur participation au processus d'achat. Veuillez contacter votre courtier ou agent d'assurance pour obtenir des informations sur la rémunération spécifique qu'ils peuvent recevoir en relation avec l'émission de votre police.


AIG rémunère les courtiers et agents d'assurance par le biais de commissions correspondant soit à un montant spécifique soit à un pourcentage de la prime fixée au moment de chaque achat, renouvellement, placement ou service d'une police d'assurance particulière. De temps à autre, AIG peut conclure des accords avec des producteurs pour leur assurer une commission supplémentaire de nature non conditionnelle. Tous ces paiements sont soumis à des contrôles administrés par le service juridique, le service de la conformité et la direction d’AIG.


Rémunération conditionnelle
AIG peut également verser une rémunération conditionnelle aux courtiers et agents d'assurance, en plus des commissions. La rémunération conditionnelle est généralement basée sur des critères tels que le volume des nouvelles ventes, le volume de production global, la composition des activités ou la rentabilité globale des polices placées par un courtier ou un agent d'assurance. Tous ces paiements sont soumis à des contrôles administrés par le service juridique, le service de la conformité et la direction d’AIG.


Autres rémunérations
AIG peut également conclure des accords afin d'accéder à des informations ou de provoquer une interaction stratégique visant à faciliter les affaires, en échange d'une redevance. En dehors des transactions d'assurance spécifiques, AIG peut également obtenir des services pour lesquels elle paie une redevance.

AIG peut également offrir une rémunération pour la publicité, le marketing ou l'achat de produits ou services d'assurance par le biais de canaux tiers.

American International Group, Inc. (AIG) is a leading global insurance organization. AIG member companies provide a wide range of property casualty insurance and other financial services to customers in approximately 70 countries and jurisdictions. These diverse offerings include products and services that help businesses and individuals protect their assets, manage risks and provide for retirement security. AIG common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

The history of AIG in Switzerland

2019 AIG celebrates 100 years of experience



Due to the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union, establishment of AIG Europe S.A. with its registered office in Luxembourg and merger of AIG Europe Limited to AIG Europe S.A.
2017 60th anniversary of AIG in Switzerland
2012 Merger Chartis Europe S. A. to AIG Europe Limited (previously Chartis Europe Limited) - Return to the AIG brand
2009 AIG Europe S. A. is renamed Chartis Europe S. A., introduction of the Chartis brand
2008 Financial crisis with financial impact on parent company AIG
1968 Establishment of AIU branch office: American International Underwriters (Schweiz) AG in Zurich, assumes all functions of the American Home Assurance Company
1957 American Home Assurance Company is established in Switzerland
1919 AIG traces its roots to Cornelius V. Starr in Shanghai / China