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Why Choose AIG for Trade Credit?

AIG offers insurance solutions to protect against bad debt, and also enables companies and financial institutions to convert their receivables into liquid assets using tailor-made solutions. Trade receivables often represent an important balance sheet item, and the impact generated by an unexpected insolvency of a large customer can have far-reaching implications.

AIG Trade Credit Solutions

  • Protection of receivables against insolvencies and non-payment (protracted default).
  • Stabilisation of revenues and balance sheets through non-cancellable customer limits.
  • Integration of in-house credit management process in industry-leading online services.
  • High degree of autonomy without dependence on an insurer.
  • Competent and capable AIG underwriters as direct contact persons on location.


AIG Trade Credit

Our Target Segments

  • National and multinational companies that expect customised policy structures. Generally, solitary insurance forms include cover for business and political risks, including insolvency and non-payment; optional consortium solutions cover concentration risks.
  • Portfolio protection for SMEs (small and medium enterprise): Companies with sales of EUR 100 million. Companies in different industries with a broadly diversified customer portfolio (domestic and foreign) looking for non-cancellable credit limits and a low excess (usually 10%) in the case of a damage event. A requirement for a Trade+ policy is the regular electronic exchange of payment experiences, so that most of the credit limits can be calculated automatically and can be made available in the Trade+ application over the internet.
  • Individual protection: Protection solely for large customers or peak risks starting at EUR 10 million.
  • Capital goods: Protection of capital goods with project terms normally up to five years including manufacture. Coordination of protection with financing partners and adaptation to contract contents is the normal procedure. Established manufacturers of machines, equipment and components.
  • Trade Finance: Financing-related program with a receivables pool of more than EUR 25 million. Tailor-made or already established Trade Finance product with Basel III compliance certification which takes into account the regulatory equity capital requirements at home and abroad.


Why AIG?

  • We work on the basis of the partnership principle. Highly professional and experienced “Single Point of Contact” underwriters with considerable decision-making authority act as exclusive contacts and help to reduce the agent's time and resource requirements.
  • We have been offering worldwide Excess-of-Loss (XOL) insurance with “non-cancellable” credit limits for more than 40 years, and thus are in a position to provide a high degree of cover certainty; we value reliability and offer strong business relationships in a volatile risk environment with regard to customer acquisition and retention.
  • We offer our policyholders consistent cover concepts and generate maximum customer loyalty.
  • We create tailored solutions that meet the requirements of our customers with regard to control and process flow, providing you with greater autonomy in managing your own business.
  • AIG Trade Credit has offices in 25 countries and provides policies in more than 70 countries.


Highlights and Benefits

  • In its capacity as a large global Excess-of-Loss (XOL) insurer, AIG has been offering credit insurance featuring “non-cancellable limits” since 1970. Winner of the Global Trade Review GTR Best Credit Insurer Awards 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015.
  • Trade Finance utilises the strength of our rating to provide innovative products to the market.
  • Harmonised concept that combines credit insurance with credit financing.
  • Global Limits Manager: A web-based credit management tool that calculates, manages and monitors customer credit limits, thereby reducing administrative costs. In addition, a real-time analysis provides valuable insights into the risk portfolio for the policyholder’s receivables.

  • Sale of receivables to financial institutions to improve cash flows
  • Protection of Trade Finance program through AIG credit insurance
  • Capital optimisation in line with Basel II/III requirements


In the case of damages, AIG policyholders can rely on our professional on-site team, which will process the claim immediately.

Information about our TradEnable Portal.