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Why Choose AIG for Casualty?

Business, product and environmental liability insurance policies with a focus on international insurance programmes. Complex, multinational companies are also insured using tailored cover concepts including local US risks.

AIG General Liability Insurance Solutions

We offer basic and excess liability programmes to cover the international and domestic insurance requirements of European companies for business and product liability insurance - also for US risks.


AIG General Liability Insurance

Highlights and product advantages

  • International programmes (integrated, coordinated or mixed forms) including US/Canada
  • Business, product and environmental liability insurance
  • Recall cost covers for retailers and manufacturers (incl. solutions for automotive suppliers)
  • All of the above are designed as basic and excess covers
  • Environmental insurance (EnviroPro) and special concepts for soil contamination due to contaminated sites (SELECT)
  • Product protection insurance (including crisis advisory services)


Extensive insurance services, particularly for

  • the chemical industry
  • the electrical and electronics industry
  • machine and equipment builders
  • automotive suppliers
  • measurement and control technology
  • food, luxury food and beverage industry
  • energy supply and generation
  • retail
  • waste management industry (recycling, waste facilities, landfills etc.)

These services are provided by specialized consulting companies in cooperation with AIG. On request, these specialists also provide our policyholders with advice and support in the case of a crisis (24/7).

Produktprofil [PDF]


AIG Product Protection Insurance

Highlights and product advantages

  • Crisis prevention
  • On-site support from our recall team in the case of a crisis
  • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Advice for crisis management and recall systems
  • Protecting the brand and the company's image
  • Protecting the company against public recalls and withdrawals
  • Reducing business risks
  • Consumer protection in terms of food safety
  • Also extended to contractual flat retailer charges
  • International Programms with local expertise


Comprehensive insurance protection

The insured event consists of imminent bodily injury because of a defective product. Therefore, in order to provide even better financial protection to companies in the food, beverage, cosmetics and tobacco industry, AIG has improved the product contaminated product insurance (CPI) for known cost elements for the following areas:

  • Recall costs
  • Replacement costs
  • Loss of profit
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Crisis consulting costs

Our EnviroPro special environmental policy covers the risk from contamination and the resulting consequential damages. Insurance cover is also provided for environmental impacts / environmental damages that arise gradually. Depending on the requirements, the cover can include the following: personal injury and/or property damage, clean-up costs at the policyholder’s location, biodiversity damages, business interruption costs, transport costs. The insurance policy can be taken out for certain designated locations or entire companies.

Produktprofil Umwelt (in German) [PDF]


AIG Enviro Pro

What damages may be covered under the insurance?

Insurance cover can be requested for statutory third-party claims that are directed at the following:

  • Clean-up costs at the insured location
  • Personal injury and/or property damages 
  • Clean-up costs outside of the insured location
  • Environmental damages

Possible extensions of cover:

  • Policyholder's business interruption damages
  • Transport cover


Basic features of the insurance cover?

What is insured?

Insured are the statutory claims of third parties (including government authorities) with contents under civil and/or public law for clean-up costs for contamination, compensation for damages or the prevention or clean-up of environmental damages at the insured location, starting with the insured location on the basis of the technical provisions of GSchG (Water Protection Act), USG (Environment Act), AltlV (Contaminated Sites Regulation) as well as personal injury and/or property damage.


Who is insured?

The policyholder’s statutory liability under civil law and the statutory obligation under public law in Switzerland is insured. 

Locations in other countries are insured as long as they are enumerated in the declaration for the policy. 

The EnviroPro insurance cover is based on location.