Using our extensive and Europe-wide expertise in technical property insurance, our outstanding local and global capacities, excellent risk engineering know-how and an unrivalled global network, we specialise in underwriting difficult, challenging and unusual risks.
Production, machine building, service industry, real estate
Airports, hotels, sports stadiums, electrical/metal manufacturing,
Technology, communication and media
International real estate funds, banks
Multinational companies, captives and risk-managing programmes
The close communication between our underwriting, risk engineering and claims teams allows us to offer seamless solutions with regard to insurance cover, risk analysis and claims settlement. In the past, we have proven over and over again: Valid claims are paid quickly and fairly. This is not least due to the expertise and experience of our claims specialists. Our claims teams settle multinational claims on location, working directly with the foreign companies of our customers.
Our global network of risk specialists offers exceptional in-house expertise in risk engineering, and it prepares complete and qualified appraisals for potential customers before an offer is made. Our specialists have a broad knowledge of risk management (including sprinkler system expertise), and they share this knowledge with our customers and potential customers on location. To guarantee uniformity and continuity, only one appraiser will be assigned to programmes involving multiple locations.
Using our extensive product range, we can create customer-specific wording and programmes. Our products comprise property insurance, business interruption and machine breakage insurance, technical insurance and protection against stand-alone terror risks. We also provide on-line training materials and special risk information that is tailored to the respective industry and risk type.
In this way, we guarantee that your customers are informed of the risks that apply to them, and the best options for minimising these risks.
Over 60 years of experience with multinational programmesa very large own global network, and globally competent adjusters are proof that we have a lot to offer to multinational companies of all types and sizes. Our own global network provides us with greater independence. What this means for you as the broker: A pool of global AIG employees to look after preparing local policies and providing services for your customers.
One single AIG Europe contact person, centralised premiums and claims tracking, as well as our multinational competence centre that coordinates the global programme of your customers, give your customers greater control over their worldwide insurance policies.
We offer large underwriting capacities of up to USD 500 Mio. for well-protected customers in our core segments that have established exceptionally extensive risk management systems (with the involvement of AIG risk specialists).